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Rae MacCulloch

Glengarry Highland Games

Inducted in 2010

Rae dedicated her life as a volunteer for more than 50 years. Rae, with the help of her husband, was Chairperson of the Highland Dance Competitions for many years.  Following his death, she continued in this capacity for a couple of years until there was someone else ready to fulfill the position.  Rae continued to support the Glengarry Highland Games through attendance at regular meetings and liaised with various Committee Chairs to ensure the best performances as well as to ensure the mandate of the Games was achieved. She followed up on all requests made of her.  She tirelessly promoted the event through her travels. Her input and cooperation with all committees was admirable.  She had the ability to treat everyone with respect and in turn was respected and admired by each of us.  Many of her student’s eventually became volunteers for the Games.  A commendable contribution of talent and dedication, learned through Rae’s example.

Rae was inducted into the Glengarry Music Hall of Fame, the Glengarry Sports Hall of Fame and entered into the Guinness Book of Records.  During her travels she met many dignitaries among those being:  Prime Minister Trudeau, Henry Kissinger, Minister Don Boudria, and Queen Elizabeth 11.