FEO aims to captivate and inspire visitors and residents alike to travel and explore Ontario’s uniqueness through festival and event celebrations.
Festivals & Events Ontario (FEO) is a non-profit organization that has been representing the festivals and events industry in Ontario for 30 years. We make sure communities continue to produce unique, quality festivals in all corners of the province. Providing education, professional development and networking while fostering a community of passionate people invested in the festival and event industry, FEO works hard to deliver membership benefits that help support the growth of the industry.
Our membership includes festivals, events, suppliers, municipalities, schools, RTOs and DMOs, students, BIAs, and everyone in between! Each member contributes to our growing community of people who know what it’s like to run successful festivals and events. Together with FEO, our members have an active role in the growth of the festivals and events community in Ontario.
Festivals and Events Ontario aspires to facilitate the development of an exemplary festival and events industry in Ontario and be the recognized resource to champion excellence.
Festivals and Events Ontario supports a lively, engaged, and dedicated festival and event industry by sharing knowledge, enabling networking, and providing leadership on education, advocacy, and promotion.
FEO was established in 1987 as an association devoted to the growth and stability of the festival and event industry in Ontario. We’re always looking to assist. Is this your industry? Let’s talk.
FEO Executive Team and Board of Directors are committed to sound principles of corporate governance.
Currently located in Kitchener, Ontario, FEO operates with a team of four and is governed by a Board of Directors. FEO continues to serve the industry through a number of projects throughout the year.
FEO provides festival and event organizers across the province, with a networking forum and offers professional development opportunities and resources aimed at encouraging professionalism and excellence in the industry.
FEO acts as an advocate for the industry by identifying, and working towards solutions on issues such as legislation, governance, product development, and more.
FEO serves the interests of festival suppliers whose goods and services are of use and benefit to Ontario’s festival and event organizers.Â
Our membership includes festivals, events, suppliers, municipalities, schools, RTOs and DMOs, students, BIAs, and everyone in between! Each member contributes to our growing community of people who know what it’s like to run successful festivals and events. Together with FEO, our members have an active role in the growth of the festivals and events community in Ontario.

Kyle Sipkens | President | Founder of INCIRQUE and creator of Lucky Barber Show

LANDON LOGIE | VICE PRESIDENT, Suppliers | FOUNDER, Landon Logie Events

Marnie Lapierre | Vice President, Festivals | Owner & Consultant, Northern Events and Tourism Consulting

Tina Myer | Past President | Business Development Manager, Niagara Grape & Wine

Ian Thompson | Treasurer | General Manager of the Caledonia Fair & Secretary-Treasurer of District 6 of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies

Peter McClusky | Secretary| Founder, Toronto Garlic Festival

Hayley Berlin | Director, Investment and Development Office Ministry

Rob Marois | Sponsorship & Donation Coordinator, Stewart Park Festival

Dan Di Ruscio | Manager, Cultural Services at City of Richmond Hill

Dr. Luke R. Potwarka | Associate Professor Founder & Director, S.E.A.T. Lab. Faculty of Health Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo

Louise Jackson | Louise Jackson Media, Aim High Go Higher

Victoria Mahoney | Head of Marketing & Partnerships Harmony Marketing

Bonnie Ruddock | Executive Director RTO9 Southeastern Ontario

Haney Mikhael | Founder & CEO Rescounts

Kathleen Douglas | Zonta Club of Brampton-Caledon, President-Elect, Advocacy Chair. A Proud leader in Zonta International.

Steve | Manager, Special Events | Economic Development | City of Kitchener

Tracie Wallis | Coordinator for Events & Pemits at The Niagara Parks Commission

Dave MacNeil | Ex-Officio Board Member Chief Executive Officer Festivals and Events Ontario

Dave MacNeil | Ex-Officio Board Member Chief Executive Officer Festivals and Events Ontario

Debbie Mann | Business Development Manager. FEO