Let's talk.

We'd love to hear from you

We are here to provide the resources & tools you need to help achieve the goals of your organizations.
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Let's talk.

We'd love to hear from you

We are here to provide the resources & tools you need to help achieve the goals of your organizations.
become a member

Let's talk.

We'd love to hear from you

We are here to provide the resources & tools you need to help achieve the goals of your organizations.
become a member

FEO is proud to represent over 1,400 festivals and events in Ontario through our membership base. We aim to become the largest organization in Canada representing the festivals and events industry.
With our member's help, we’ve built a community of knowledgeable, dedicated and passionate festival and event organizers and volunteers. It’s within this community that our members create conversations that lead to greater success for their festivals, events and businesses.

Through networking, our members learn from each other, creating a stronger industry province-wide. We are putting the large, international festivals alongside the smaller community festivals from all corners of Ontario – each having something unique to offer the other.

Top 10 Reasons
Why Choose
To Become A Member

FEO prides itself with variety of benefits offered to all members. We aim to equip you and your organization with the tools you need to have successful events and festivals here in our beautiful province of Ontario.
We are working hard to expand the benefits offered to our members. Numerous options are available ideal for your festivals or events. From advanced marketing and promotions to industry related professional development, we are here to provide the resources and tools you need to help achieve the goals of your organizations.

What Our Members
Have To Say
About Us

Annual memberships are available to all those involved in the industry, from event hosts and organizers to municipalities, associations, event suppliers, students and beyond. FEO’s membership fees are available in varying tiers to accommodate the differentiating levels of industry representation.
Investing in an annual FEO membership provides you with a vast inventory of industry benefits designed intentionally to strengthen your position within the industry. Utilizing our vast network of assets, our strong digital footprint and our internal expertise, our team acts as an extension to your team.

We continuously advocate for the needs of the industry while driving awareness and visibility of your events and promotions. At FEO we are always evolving and innovating. Your annual membership provides immediate access to new features and perks as they become available.


Sign up to our thoughtfully crafted FEO Informer newsletter for meaningful conversations, interesting updates and access to exclusive offers.
Festival & Events Ontario

PHONE: (519) 742-2226, FAX: (519) 742-206
155-50 Ottawa Street S. Kitchener, ON N2G 3S7

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