William M. Duron

Chair, Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership – Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
Inducted in 2011
William M. Duron has over 30 years of management experience in the media and tourism industries. He is Director of the Greenbelt Fund which promotes Ontario produced foods in public institutions. For seven years he was Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, where he was responsible for the creative execution and management of the Fair. Previously, he served as President of Key Media Ltd., owners of Toronto Life, Fashion, Wedding Bells and Where magazines, after serving as Publisher of Toronto Life magazine for six years. Under his direction the management team launched several successful projects including Toronto Life branded events, the City Guides and Toronto Life TV. For 18 years, Mr. Duron was the President of Tourism Toronto where he was a public advocate for Toronto events and tourism facilities. One of his most public roles was as the representative of Canada’s tourism sector during the North American free trade negotiations. He is recent past Chair of the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership. For his contributions to the industry, the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) named him “Tourism Person of the Year”. Mr. Duron currently serves as an advisor to St. Joseph Communications Inc. and sits on the boards of the Canadian National Sportsmen’s Shows and the RCMP Foundation. He is also the operator of the Toronto Island Marina and Yacht Club and a hotel in Costa Rica.