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Mike Mueller

City of Burlington

Inducted in 2018

Mike Mueller was an employee at the City of Burlington for nearly 40 years. Mike worked in various roles at the City. When Mike retired, as the Coordinator, Festivals & Events he held proudly since 1988. Mike was known to attend all events and offer a helping hand. In fact, he still volunteers at some of those events today because he loves events, giving back to the community and the City of Burlington.

Mike was responsible for the City of Burlington’s first Special Event Manual, and the formation of the Special Event Team in Burlington.

Mike’s legacy during his career was leading the facilitation of transitioning The Sound of Music Festival from a city led event into a not-for-profit corporation. This event has grown and is recognized as an internationally award winning multi-day festival. It is Canada’s largest free music festival.

Mike has led many high-profile events such as: Olympic Torch Run, Rick Hansen Relay, PAN AM Torch Relay and PAN AM Day in Burlington.

Mike has supported Burlington’s Ribfest from its initial conception to its status today as Canada’s Largest Ribfest. Mike was involved in over 1,400 City of Burlington community events with over 14 million attendees.

The countless events, endless committee meetings, tireless hours of hard work were always done with a smile on his face and kind words for all. The events unit will never be the same without him.