Great Idea Panel Discussion - Inclusion | Diversity | Equity | Accessibility

Moderator: Emilio Ojeda (Northumberland County), Kyle Sipkins (INCIRQUE), Abby Aldoroty (OTEC), Jesse Jones (Jones & Jones Group), Sarah Van Grinsven (Town of Amherstburg)

Contact Emilio, Contact Kyle, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Session Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 from 11:30am to 12:30pm

Location: Oaks Ballroom

Session Title: Great Idea Panel Discussion - Inclusion | Diversity | Equity | Accessibility

Session Description: Festival organizers face several challenges when implementing Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) principles. Three notable challenges are:


Balancing Diverse Needs and Interests: Organizers must navigate the complex task of addressing the varied needs, interests, and cultural backgrounds of a diverse audience, often with conflicting expectations and perspectives.

Accessibility and Accommodation: Ensuring physical and communicative accessibility for people with disabilities is challenging. It involves logistical, financial, and resource considerations to make the festival truly accessible to all.

Equity in Participation and Representation: Achieving equity in representation among performers, speakers, and staff is difficult due to industry biases, existing networks, and financial constraints, requiring a proactive approach to include and empower diverse groups.

Expected Outcome for Attendees

Explore how communities are embracing the IDEA, execution, and brainstorm new opportunities.



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