Our Tuesday Talks: Supply in Demand virtual round table sessions continue with Guest Host Kyle Sipkens speaking with Richard Anderson from Smart Serve Ontario.
Session Title: What Do Festivals and Events Need To Know About Smart Serve Re-Certification?"
Speaker Bio Richard Anderson has been in the nonprofit realm for most of his career. Having 25 years of experience at Sheridan College and Mohawk College he managed Student Associations with large budgets and staff. He was the licensee for the campus pubs and oversaw the bar and restaurant operations as well as board governance. He started with Smart Serve Ontario in July of 2017 and has since spent time learning the industry and raising the profile in Ontario. During the last year he has been active in researching cannabis and its role in the Smart Serve program. He brings an interesting perspective on cannabis and its impact on impairment. Richard also sits on the boards of Arrive Alive/Drive Sober and Burlington’s Sound of Music Festival.